Tantrum Enduro and Flowt DH - FINALE

Thanks for the year everyone! Here is the writeup for the last Flowt DH Fiver of the year the last Tantrum Enduro Fiver of the year and the overall winners!

Well, though the classic Frigid Fingers race on Ultimate Frisby did not go entirely as planned, it was still a great success! Conditions were amazing Saturday night with a top to bottom raking by superstars Erin Collins and Kirk Murray, but we woke up Sunday to slush halfway up the Frisby DH, and snow at the top, so access and riding were not ideal. Near 30 racers took on the altered course of Tall Timber to Logging Leftovers in wet, cold and mucky conditions. The course was shared with the Enduro series Fiver finale, and most riders did both events, pedaling their way up through the downpour. 

Thanks to Mt. Begbie Beer and the Revelstoke Credit Union, Enduro Fiver organiser and general awesome human Megan Rose was able to bring soggy racers some Pizza and Beer at the completion of their races. Thanks also to Brodie Evans for being our bonfire champion, the awards ceremony would have been significantly soggier without his help.

For the DH Chantal Mathieu put down a blistering time of 4:01:34 in the grease to take the win on the Ladies side. On the Mens side, Luke Stevens once again showed his consistent quickness, though this time he was only 10 seconds faster than second place with a time of 2:55:37. 

Oshi Hampson's Second place in this race bumped her ahead of Jessa Burke to take the overall win for the 4 race series. 

Nathan Jecks held on to his lead to take the overall in the series (for the 4th time in the last 5 years I believe), while Luke Stevens' second win in 2 races attended launched him up into second.

For the Enduro: Luke also took the win for the men and Chantal for the women.  This proved for Chantal to hold the overall series win for the summer and Simon Gagnon pulled through for the overall series winner for the men. 

Thanks to all the sponsors and supported for both series throughout the summer: Flowt Bikes and Skis, the DH title sponsor, Tantrum, the Enduro Title Sponsor, and then to: Stoke Roasted Coffee, Monashee Spirits, Transition Bikes, La Baguette, Revelstoke Credit Union, Eagle Pass Lodge, Sol Mountain Lodge for the great draw prizes/food/beer!

Thanks to all the racers and volunteers for another great year! All results and the series overall are on the Fiver pages for the DH and Enduro.


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Finale: DH Fiver and Enduro Fiver Series