City of Revelstoke - Strava Metro

The City will be partnering with Strava Metro to gather data on City commuter and trail routes to help inform the Trails strategy and in the future other planning related documents. The data will be used to guide infrastructure improvements for bicyclists and pedestrians. If you are not already using Strava Metro to track your rides, use your smart phone or GPS device to upload your ride to Strava every week. By combining data sources the City will be able to gain new insights on preferred bicyclist routes and characteristics of dangerous areas.To find out more about Strava visit their website at Strava Metro can also be downloaded on the APPStore.There are also options for linking some apps that people already use. One that I have successfully tried (and it's free) is It automatically syncs data between Garmin Connect, Runkeeper, Strava, TrainingPeaks,, Endomondo, RideWithGPS, TrainerRoad, Motivato, Velo Hero, Epson RUNSENSE, Dropbox, and Smashrun (your heart rate, cadence, power, and temperature data syncs too)strava 


Mount Revelstoke Steamer - Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!


DH Race Results #3