Early-season Conditions on Frisby Ridge

Frisby Ridge opened for the season Monday, July 15! While I'm sure many of you are eager to get up there to escape the heat and enjoy our beautiful alpine scenery, please be aware, it's still early-season up there. This video was taken by our trail crew at the first high point on Thursday, July 11.

As you can see, there's still a lot snow in the alpine. If you just have to go ride Frisby this week, here are three tips to be a good trail steward:

- Don't go past the first high point quite yet. Even if the snow has melted, the trail will still be quite wet. Give it time to dry first.

- If you encounter any snow patches, walk over them, not around them. Don't widen the trail or damage the sensitive alpine environment just to avoid some snow.

- The same goes for wet and muddy bits of trail. A bit of mud or water won't hurt you, but riding your bike off trail will harm the environment.

If you go ride it, please submit a trail report to let other people know what conditions are like. We hope you have fun and we thank you for respecting our trail and the environment we get to ride in.


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