Future Logging on Lower Macpherson

The RCA has learned that logging to prevent the spread of fir beetle is expected to take place on Lower Macpherson, likely within the next year. Stella-Jones, the timber rights holder for the area, have found numerous stands of fir trees infested by beetles around most of our Lower Mac trails, including Quarry, Backside, Hemlock Groove, and Yew R Here. 

A map of the proposed harvest areas around our trails.

We have had several productive meetings with Stella-Jones, where they listened to our concerns about the impacts this could have on our trails. We have stressed our desire to preserve as much of the forest as possible, and impact the trails as little as possible. Stella-Jones looks to be listening to our concerns and has said they intend to selectively log the forest around the trails and only harvest damaged fir trees, where possible. They also said they will harvest in winter, when snow cover protects our trails.

We know that logging can have a detrimental effect on the riding experience. However, we also know our trails are in a working forest and logging companies have obligations to manage forest health. We will continue working closely with Stella-Jones to ensure their harvesting has minimal impact on our network.

If you would like to provide comment on Stella-Jones’ harvesting plans, you may do so using the government’s Forest Operations Map portal.

Left: Beetle holes inside an infected tree alongside Yew R Here. Right: A stand of infected trees alongside Yew R Here.


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